Thursday, September 30, 2010

Will the devil come?

Don't laugh at them.
They mean serious business!
When the heart stops to love
and the mind stops to think,
When your hands are careless
and your feet are cold;

will the devil come to take away your soul?

When the eyes see wrong
and the ears hear strife,
When the nose smells fishy
and the lips are dry of warmth;

will the devil come to take away your soul?

when you are old
and your senses wane
 the devil will come to take away your soul.

Not 'cause you're old
but, 'cause you're cold;
Have warmth in your heart
then, be fearless to the last.

Wake up oh!man
and live up to others;
for the gates are not far away
There, the devil will wait to take your soul away.

Monday, September 27, 2010

'A second lease'-short story

I met a friend after many months. She is a member of the local humor club.

I told her that I have started to write a blog.

After all the giggling,she said,"What all do you write in your blog?"

I said,".I write poetry,stories and much more."

She is my good friend and I knew she was pulling my leg wantedly.

She said immediately,"As I was bathing yesterday, I thought of a story .Will you publish it in your blog?"

Thought of a story while bathing.I was worried of what quality it would be.
I started to think,"Many people sing ,think talk to themselves etc.,   etc.,  when they bathe.Why do people choose the bathroom or sometimes toilet to think?What a place to come up with ideas.

But, fast enough I remembered, Archimedes made his most important discovery when he was bathing too.Okay let me listen to his story."

"Sure.I will publish your story if it is good enough.Why not?"I said.

"What is the name of your blog?"he asked me.

"Why not?"

She looked at me as though I had not understood her question.She repeated,"You told me that already.I want to know the name of your blog."

"The name of my blog is 'why not?'"I said.

She began.The story goes like this:

Once a lady met with a serious accident and she was bleeding profusely.People rang up the nearby hospital service.

On her way to the hospital, in the ambulance,her soul left her physical body and reached the gates of God.

God asked her,"Who are you and how old are you?"

She answered,"I am Parimala. I am 40 years old."

God looked very surprised and worried. Then ,he said,"You are not to die today Parimala. You have to live for another 43 years more before your death."

The lady felt very happy. Her soul came back to her physical body.The doctors had resuscitated her.

Once she was discharged from the hospital, she felt happy for her new lease of life.She thought she should enjoy her life to the maximum.

She began to wear modern clothING and use cosmetics extensively, which she had not done to that date.

She got a few plastic surgeries done to uplift her face, and look younger.

She felt her name was outdated and so, started calling herself 'Pammi'.

After about a couple of years, as she was walking on the road,she was hit badly by an ambulance van and died on the spot.

Her soul went to God again and asked,"God, you said I would live for another 43 years. But, you have taken me back in two years .Why have you done this to me?"

God was astonished,"Are you the same parimala whom I sent back to her body a couple of years back?"

She pleaded "Yes.But, why have you done this to me God?"

God said,"Sorry lady, it was all by mistake.I was not able to recognize you.

You look so different now, that I thought you are the 20 year old Pammi who studies in university college."

Parimala was left speechless.

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Friday, September 24, 2010

Lonely boat!

Lashed by the waves
and splashed by the waters,
it gasps to maintain
its place on sea.

Tossed by the winds
and bossed by the weather,
it twirls around
like a swirling breeze.

Far from land
and lost at sea,
it knows not what
and which way to see.

At last it finds
its direction and path -
its guiding light
in the depth of night.

By morning,
the boat with its master
find the way to fathom the sea.
Good luck to the boat
and good luck to thee!
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Beauty in sleep

Eyes closed, I roam about,
in the land of the fairies
the angels and dreams.

I drift away like weightless leaf,
as I fly with the wind,
in the cradle of her arms.

I weigh down in darkness,
in the depths of oblivion,
in the abyss of night.

Deep down in thought
surrounded by choices,
you carry me to fantasy land.

What peace you give
to the unsettling mind,
To the ravages of time.

I surrender myself,
to the beauty of sleep -
the instant death :
 night after night.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

All for friendship's sake

I have many friends who work in the software industry.
One such friend is Girija.

I went to meet her in her office .We usually meet up.
But, that day was different.

She wanted to share something 'cause she was in a confusion.

Scene 1:
Girija's office:
I went to her office and she was already waiting for me.She was in an exceptionally tensed mood.It is very rare for Girija to be tensed.She was not the 'cool cat' that day ,that she usually was.

I was worried,but I had to wait.
We went to the canteen and as we sat there sipping our piping hot coffees, when she started to talk.

"As you know ,Ravi and me loved each other in college and we got married."she reminded me.

"I know that."I said.

"It is one year since both of us are working."

"Yes."I was conscious not to sound my hurry.

"I am pregnant now"she said.

What a relief.


But,is this how you tell me this?

I don't see any happiness.Why?

Is this any new trick you are playing on me?"

"No yaar!I am very happy that I am pregnant.But, the situation at home scares me."

"Why ,are your in-laws troubling you?"

"No. They are very good to me."

"Then is it Ravi?"(Not possible, my mind said)

"No.This is tricky."she said.

"Why?What is it then?Maybe the kid does not like it.Right?"

"Stop teasing me.Can you never be seroius?

After a while she continued,
"I was always a high performer in college. You know that Ravi started noticing me due to this.
He admires me for my intelligence and capacity even today."
If he comes to know I am pregnant...

She stopped half-way and gave me a worried look.

For what I knew of Ravi,it only brought me to chuckles.

After a bit of consoling and some more time, she continued,"I think he will not like me to take a break in
my career.He always says that women are no way lesser than men.
He encourages and still admires me for my credits in office.

What if he does not want me to stay at home and take care of the child but, to continue going to office after delivery?"

"Hey, stop.Stop.Are you going paranoid?"I asked her.

"No. I have reason for this worry."she answered

"What reason?".

Just a week before, I was appraised for a promotion and he was so happy.At that moment ,it made me very proud of him but, now I am scared."

"Then why don't you talk it with Ravi?"I asked.

"I am scared.If he does not agree.,it will be very difficult for me to take it."

"So, what are you going to do about this?"I enquired.

You are a common friend to ours. Will you talk this to him for my sake?"

"What? Me? About this?
It is so personal,how can I talk this to him?
No chance."

"Please.You are my best friend.
Please do this for me."

"Okay,I will try.But, what do you want me to convey to him ?"

"I want him to know that I have enjoyed my mother being with me whenever I needed her most.

 She always had the time when I needed it.

I want to give the same happiness to my child.

Will you please make him understand this?"

Okay. I will try to talk and find out what he thinks.Beyond that, it is your lookout.Okay?"

"Okay."It was a worried okay.

I knew there should not be no problem.I knew Ravi very well for that.I have admired him for his good and soft nature.But,I had to respect her feelings.

So,I talked to Ravi and asked him for his time.Long time since I had met him too.
It was fixed that we meet the next day evening in his office.

Scene 2:
Ravi's office:
I was in his office exactly at 6pm,as decided.He was very curious.

"Hi, long time no see.How are you?What happened? You called me urgently."he enquired.

"I am fine.Wanted to talk to you .Thats all.
 How is life?"

"What for me? I am very happy. Giri(Girija)is such a darling.My parents like her very much.
I am very lucky."

I hesitated. " wanted to talk you about something else too ,"I stammered.


"Girija is a bit worried."I said.

About what?She did not tell anything even today morning.She was fine.Any problem?"he asked .

"Not a problem.But she has a doubt in her mind."

"What doubt?" important is Girija's work for you?"

Why this question suddenly?Does she want to resign her job?
It is her wish.My salary is enough for us to run a our family.

But, I thought she was a  career - oriented woman.She is a high performer in office and I thought she would be the one not wanting to resign."

Saying so he looked at my face for my reaction.

"How would you feel if I say that Girija is pregnant?Would you feel bad if she resigns her job?

"What?Giri is pregnant?(He was literally in tears.)
Are you serious?

But, was a bit worried to tell you... (He was not there to hear me out.)

"Ravi where are you?"

I knew he would have gone straight to meet Girija in her office.

I saw him jumping and laughing, as he passed through the corridor.

I felt very happy for the couple but, tears rolled down my cheeks.He loves Girija so much.
"Will he ever know that I loved him the same way?"

I told myself,"Crazy girl."

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Walking with God

Where there is a beginning
and where there is day,
There you will be -
to show me the way.

Where there is hope
and a will to cope,
There you will be -
to hold me when I drop.

Where there is love
and feelings deep,
There you will be -
to embrace me when I weep.

Where there is fiend
and the sun disappears into night,
There you will be -
to tell me what is right.

I hear you , my God,
In the wilderness and depths,
In the forests and flowers
and all of nature's colours.

Then, where is the fear
to tread paths : far and near,
For you will be with me
to guide me : loud and clear.

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

'Shoulder Saroja !'

I met Saroja aunty in the neighborhood.
She was in severe pain.

Not because her son left to the U.S of A.(She is an emotional person,no doubt.) This time it was more because her shoulder pain.

She was talking with her neighbour Lalitha ,when I met her.

Did you imagine Saroja aunty like this?
I'm sorry!
BTW,she cannot take her hand like that now.
Can you?
I enquired,"How are you aunty?Has your son left ?"

"Yes sweety. He left yesterday."

I smiled at Lalitha .She returned the courtesy and left ,promising aunty to meet her in the evening.They watch the serials together.Sorry,cry together!(I never get the hang of this.)

 "Why are you in so much pain? Is it because your son has left?He had come for his holidays and you knew he had to go back to join his job."

"No sweety,it is not about that."aunty said.

"Then?",I enquired.

"My left shoulder is paining a lot.I am not able to do much with it.
I have to call uncle repeatedly to help me.I have never done so even in our younger days.
I feel very bad.
Have I become that old sweety?"

"No aunty.Don't worry.
Did you see the orthopedics doctor?"

"I told uncle about this .He enquired from his 'walking friends'.They had told him that the doctor will move the hand forcefully and it will be very painful.So, we dropped the option.

I am not able to bear pain like before.More so, after Raja left to the U.S.
I think my loneliness could have aggravated this."

Just as we were talking, uncle came back from his evening walk.

"Hello uncle."

"Hello sweety."

"How are you uncle?You look fit."

"Yes, all thanks to my morning and evening walks.I keep telling aunty to accompany me atleast once a day.But, she always has something else more important to do.Like seeing T.V.serials.

I feel that if she would have gone on walks regularly, she would not have landed herself in this shoulder pain problem."

"Shoulder pain has nothing to do with walking.We walk with our legs and where do we move our shoulders when we walk.
Moreover, I keep walking the whole day at home.So much of work to be taken care of.
What more walking do I need?"

"Aunty, walking inside the house and going for walks are two different things.I will tell you about this a little later."

"See I told you",uncle teased her.

"You mean to say that I got my shoulder pain because I dind't go on walks?"

"This is partially true.
Actually what happens is: when we don't do a few movements with certain muscles or joints,they start to become hard and immovable in those positions ."I said.

"What are you saying?I do all the work at home .Then I should be doing all the movements in my body."

"It is not like that aunty.
We used to sit on the floor everyday to have our meal, when I was a kid.But, now-a-days we sit on the dining table.Sitting down with folded legs has become so difficult."

"Yes. Right.I feel difficult when I sit for long poojas. I seem to concentrate more on my leg pain than the mantras now-a-days",said uncle.

"That is because we have not trained our leg for that movement for quite some time.It has lost touch of that movement."

"Then how do we remind it?"

"We have to take care to remind it everyday atlest once by doing almost all the movements of all the joints."

"How do we know what are all those movements in each joint?"

"There are physiotherapists and orthopedicians to help you with that aunty."

The love spot!
"Do you mean to say that Saroja's shoulder pain can also be cured like that?"

"Yes.But, it will take sometime and it needs regular exercise to her shoulder."

"Then will I get alright?I won't need any injections or medicines?"

"That depends on how stiff your shoulder has become,how much you exercise it and how much you can move it still."

I told you to do regular exercise.If you would have joined me in my walks you would not have suffered this much."

"Uncle is right to an extent but, just walking could not have averted this problem.She has to do regular movements to her shoulder too, to avoid worsening this."

"Will you have the time to help me out of this pain?I am scared to go to anyone else.You know me best."

"Ok.But, promise me you will start going on walks with uncle whenever possible."

"I promise. But, when can we start with my shoulder?It is paining me a lot."

"Take a pain killer at the moment.Don't worry .
We will meet tomorrow at my clinic."

Uncle said worriedly,"Thank you very much.
Aunty started getting nightmares because of this pain.She thought she is going to loose her hand .She started to behave more like a psycho than a person with pain."

"Don't make fun of me.You will understand only if you had such a crippling pain."

"Now, are you cursing me?"

"You are never taking care of any of my pains.You have always been like that."

"What a liar!"

I let the elderly couple enjoy their fight by themselves.
I left the place after I shouted out a bye to each of them.

 They were so engrossed in their fight that...
But, I knew aunty and uncle will be there in my clinic tomorrow.

So long guys!

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lovely triangle-short story

I am a news reporter.Today I have come to Dhruv's house in the hope of getting a sizzling story .
I happen to get this scoop 'cause Dhruv and me happen to have a common friend.

Scene 1:
Both Ragini and Dhruv were starting to office in a big hurry.

 Once I introduced myself as Hari's friend,they squeezed in a few minutes to answer me in small bouts,before they left.

"Hi, are you Ragini?"

 as she started to office
"I am Ragini.I am Dhruv's wife. Catch you later.I am in a hurry today."
She is gone.

"Hi ,you must be Dhruv. Right?"

"Ya, I am Dhruv.This is my mother Laxmi."

I say a hello.Then I continue,

"I want to talk to you.When can you find time?"

"I am very busy this week.Shall we meet in the weekend?"

"Okay.No problems.I'll meet you at 11a.m on Saturday."

I flash a quick smile to Laxmi and Dhruv and leave the place 'cause he is in a great hurry.

Scene 2:
Dhruv's house on Saturday ,11am.

"How was your day yesterday?You were in a big hurry."

"Ya. Kind of okay."

I was quite used to listening to such not-so-happy official statements now-a-days.So, when I heard it ,I felt an unknown surge of triumph in me.
After a few pleasantries I asked,"Are you ready to talk now?"

"Yes .Sure.
I can see you are a news reporter but, what do you want to talk about?I agreed to talk to you 'cause your friend Hari is a very good friend of mine."

"I heard from Hari about your mother that...err...(I was reluctant to continue).

Dhruv was angry at me initially but, on knowing I did not mean harm,he started to talk.

"My father came from a very poor family and so did my mother.
They loved each other and got married.But, my father died even before I was born.His drinking habit dragged him to the grave.Liver cirrhosis.(Point to be noted.)

My father's and mother's family were poor .So, they found it very difficult to support us.Yet,they helped my mother with whatever they had ,till I was born.

Once I was born ,my mother tried to get a job but, many were interested in her youth than her sincerity of work.

Myself and Dhruv
Poverty and helplessness pushed her into the profession."

"Have you ever been angry with your mother for having chosen this profession even in dire situations?"

"How can I be angry with her.If it were only her, she would have managed to live on meagre.She took this up for my sake.I was an indirect cause for her condition.

But, as I grew up,I felt very sad for her plight and decided that I would grow up to pull her out of this mire."

"How did you meet Ragini?"

Just then Ragini came into the room with two cups of hot, piping coffee.

"Thank you",I said.

"It will be better if she answers this question",Dhruv said coyly.

"What question?"she asked.

"He wants to know how we met?"Dhruv briefed her.

"Our meeting was most unexpected.We met in an orphanage on an independence day.
He was there to distribute sweets to the children.I was there as usual."

"Why do say 'as usual'?Do you go to the orphanage regularly?"I intervened.

"Actually, it is my home. I grew up in that orphanage."
She paused for a few seconds.

"But, the people in the orphanage did their best not to let me feel alone.I have many happy childhood memories to that place.So, I go there whenever possible and do my best for them."

"How did both of you fall in love?"I asked.

"We did not fall in love."

"Then?I thought this was a love story."

"It is a love story.But,I fell in love with his mother(saying this, she gave a big sheepish smile!)

Once,he had brought his mother to the orphanage.We had to stay there the whole day ,literally to organize a function and I noticed that Laxmima was so loving and caring to all the children.They were so easily drawn towards her and so was I.

I always used to think how my life would be if I had had my parents with me."

Dhruv intervened and said,"not only was Ragini drawn towards my mother,it was the other way round too. That day my mother came back from the orphanage and was talking about Ragini till late into the night.

I had always wanted to see my mother happy.I thought, if she liked this girl so much,why don't I marry her?

So, I proposed to Ragini the next time I met her and Ragini agreed without a second thought.

I told her about my mother's past life but, that did not seem to matter much to her."

I was lost for words.

Dhruv's mother just then came walking towards me .She had a request.

"All these happenings, my children told you, because you know Dhruv's best friend.
But, this was only for you as a friend.Kindly,do not put this down on print.

Not that it will affect me.I am beyond all that now.But, they have just now placed their first step as man and wife.

I don't want anything to affect my children in anyway.

Please,this a humble request from me."

"Respecting the mother's request I did not publish it on paper.

But, one sentence haunted me ,

"I don't want anything to affect my children in anyway."

Blessed children.

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Soldiers of love

I once thought that the soldiers on either side
hated each other till their gums hurt.

What I heard was a welcome relief,
for a world of love and no strife.

Both sides of the borderline look alike to me.
Then ,who divides us?
(North and South Korea border)
Says a soldier : all are brother-en,
of the big world we see.
all have pain,sorrow and love;
that pierces the heart and stitches them together ;
so that, they never want to kill each other.

But, who decides to love or hate?

They have good days and bad days, to
see together in the arid ground;
With only the warmth of another fellow, from
the other side of the border line.

Far away from their home and folk,
Left alone to face  life at its brink;
They toil day and night,
till their souls really hurt.

India-Pakisthan border
So,they laughed together
they wept together ,rejoice and sorrow
 mostly together; and suddenly
they are asked, to get up and shoot-

The heart that yearned for his peace ,
The eyes that searched for him,
The lips that gave him a smile,
the soul that looked out for him:

 from the other side of the border.

Now,who decides to hate or love?

This poem is inspired by a first-hand conversation with a BSF soldier posted at the India-Pakisthan border at Jammu and Kashmir.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Snippet 6

Popat and Nanu are neighbors and they have been friends for a decade now.
Popat goes visiting Nanu .

Hi Popat,good morning!

Hi Nanu,how are you?What brings you to my house today?

Today is our wedding day and she sent sweets for you and your family.

Thank you very much.I hope you are not in a hurry.Long time since we had a chat.
Anything new?Anything spicy to match the laddus.

"Yesterday night I read something interesting in the internet."said Popat.

"Wow.Real hot news?"Nanu enquired.

"Hey, not what you think.Listen to this.
All of us have something humerus about us?"Popat quizzed.

"I know.Otherwise how do we fall in love and get married?"Nanu said with a knowing look.

"No,I am not talking about that.

By the way,I have promised my wife,I will not tease her atleast for today.Today is our wedding day.Remember."Popat reminded.

"Okay I will try to remember.I tend to forget seeing the smile on your face,"said Nanu.

"Let it be yaar!Everyone has to learn a bit of acting down the line.Saves your skin many times.

 Now,back to the humerus bone."said Popat.

"You mean skin, muscle, bone.That bone.
But, how will a bone laugh?

You are a humorous person, maybe your bone will laugh.

You mean I should also be having one?Where is it?

I will hold on to it tight every time my wife gives me the scares. She makes me shiver.Any little bit of support will help,"Nanu said.

"Humerus bone connects your shoulder to your elbow."Popat said.

Every time we touch it ,will we feel like laughing?What an elixir?Good medicine for hen-pecked fellows like me.

I see. that is why my neighbour's son smiled ,when that girl pinched him on the arm,"Nanu concluded.

"No. That is for a different reason.Now...Now...I think you will get me into trouble.

This humerus bone is not actually 'humorous'",Popat clarified.

"Okay... I understand this perfectly.

 My wife's name is Khoobsoorat.
(Khoobsoorat in hindi means beautiful).

I fell for the name.Poor me,"Nanu sighed.

"Always thinking of your wife.Can't you think of anything else?"

How do you expect me to think of anything else.If you had a wife like mine,then you will understand.She occupies the whole of my life."he said.

there is actually a nerve,that which controls your sensations at the elbow which winds around this humerus bone on the outer side of the bone.
so, any small hit on this nerve causes a tingle along the whole length of your arm"said Popat.

Just then,Nanu's wife comes from within.
She is a tall lady with a tough face.It seemed as though she had lost any trace of a smile.Popat handed over the laddus to her and gave her a smile.

With a wiff of her hand,she took the sweets and (he thought)she gave him a smile.She went into the house once again leaving both the men at peace.

Nanu took sometime to settle down.Now,Popat understood his problem.

"Popat,whatever you say,I somehow feel there is a close connection between nerves and wives.
They control all our sensations with just one look and what more, anything affects them ,they see to it that it affects the whole length of our day and night.What say?"

"I am not into this. Atleast for today.So,see you tomorrow"winked Popat.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Youthful days.Thoughtful ways!

Raghu had called his friend Sajan to come and pick him up at the coffee shop.When Sajan came ,he saw Raghu,Kavita and Joseph walk away in different directions.

What had happened between them?

What would have affected such a beautiful friendship?

To get the answer to this question,we have to first look into the lives of the three friends.

Raghu,Kavita and Joseph were co-workers in a factory.

They joined the factory at around the same time.They were young minds who gave all their time and energy into their work.

But, as days rolled into months ,the boys could not resist but, notice that Kavita was very stunning.It was not about her complexion , it was something about her personality.

She was a very pleasant but, a strong girl and she had a mind of her own.The boys admired her very much.
The three of them formed a strong friendship.

But,as cupid would have it,this liking started to grow in them and even before they knew it, their friendship had developed into love.

It was becoming obvious to everyone that the two boys were vying for Kavita .
They kept looking at her whenever the chance permitted.They always waited for her during lunchtime and exit times and volunteered to help her out frequently.

Slowly, the mild competition became a cold war between the boys.
This affected their friendship.

 The boys wanted to put an end to this and proposed openly to Kavita. They wanted to know what she thought about this.

So, now the ball was in Kavitha's court.She had to decide and soon.

Many thoughts of the two boys raced in her mind.

boy from affluent family
good position in factory
pampered and only kid of his parents

normal looks
average family background
no father
takes care of mother and unmarried sister

At the near-by coffee shop:

The boys and Kavita  met on the planned date.

As the boys waited for Kavita's reply,

Raghu thought:
Kavita will surely marry me.I know she admires my looks.
She is into debts now. So, my sound financial background will come in handy to make her life.

Anyways, Joseph is of a different faith.He is not very well-to-do.
She will never choose him cause it will only continue her life of financial misery.

She is smart girl.

She has no other choice but, me.

Joseph came in thoughtfully:

Kavita always admires my responsible nature.So, taking care of my family should not be a problem for her.
Moreover,she has told me many times that religion should never come between relationships.

She admires my loving and understanding nature.She is a smart girl.

She will only select me, as her husband.

The boys were abruptly pulled down from their thoughts into real-life.Kavitha started to speak.

"I have decided a few things in my mind.I hope you will understand me in the right sense.

As both of you know,I got this job when my father passed away while at work.

So, I have my mother and brother's responsibility on me.
This is enough for me now.I will not be able to shoulder anymore responsibility.I am sorry Joseph.

Joseph was crest-falle.He started to leave.

 Raghu was overjoyed.He knew she had taken the right decision.

But, Kavita continued,
Joseph wait for a second.Listen to me before you leave.

You know that after my father passed away about four years back,I have had to adjust to many situations in my life much against my will.This has left a bad taste in me.

If I marry Raghu, I will always have to adjust to him because he is not used to taking a 'no'.
Raghu has himself told me many times that he is a pampered child and that always he is used to his parents doing his bidding.This will become a very big strain on me.So, I am sorry Raghu.

As for now, we will all be good friends and go on with our jobs as before.
We will see what life has in store for us.

Where will these paths lead?
The boys never expected her to say such a thing.They always thought she would choose one of them.They were taken aback.

But, all said and done, they were her friends.So, they respected her feelings and accepted what she said.

Raghu decided:
I will try to change my adamant nature and win over her heart.

Joseph :
Once my sister and her brother are settled into good jobs,we only need take care of the mothers.Anyways, four salaries can be poured into repaying her debts.

So, he was ready to wait till that fine day dawned.

Kavita was much relieved having talked out her mind to her friends.

So, all the three friends went their own ways.

Better luck next time guys!
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