Monday, July 26, 2010

In retrospect

Walking the roads,
breaking the rules,
I danced along;
who cared for being told?

Laughing aloud,
singing so bold,
I whistled along,
who dared to scold?

Days rolled by,
so did the years;
Suddenly I found ,
I was way-past teddy bears.

With waxy skin
and a wobbly shin,
I look back at me-
in retrospect.

I sit to rest,
I sit to think,
I sit to link with what i did.

To give a hand,
to save a cause,
to save a land -what i did?

Lost in joys,
searching on unknown toys,
oblivious of elsewhere suffering kin,
years were wasted in childish din.

Now I fear ;
I know my days are near;
What justice can i do to help me cross,
with a peaceful mind and heart like floss?

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