Monday, September 27, 2010

'A second lease'-short story

I met a friend after many months. She is a member of the local humor club.

I told her that I have started to write a blog.

After all the giggling,she said,"What all do you write in your blog?"

I said,".I write poetry,stories and much more."

She is my good friend and I knew she was pulling my leg wantedly.

She said immediately,"As I was bathing yesterday, I thought of a story .Will you publish it in your blog?"

Thought of a story while bathing.I was worried of what quality it would be.
I started to think,"Many people sing ,think talk to themselves etc.,   etc.,  when they bathe.Why do people choose the bathroom or sometimes toilet to think?What a place to come up with ideas.

But, fast enough I remembered, Archimedes made his most important discovery when he was bathing too.Okay let me listen to his story."

"Sure.I will publish your story if it is good enough.Why not?"I said.

"What is the name of your blog?"he asked me.

"Why not?"

She looked at me as though I had not understood her question.She repeated,"You told me that already.I want to know the name of your blog."

"The name of my blog is 'why not?'"I said.

She began.The story goes like this:

Once a lady met with a serious accident and she was bleeding profusely.People rang up the nearby hospital service.

On her way to the hospital, in the ambulance,her soul left her physical body and reached the gates of God.

God asked her,"Who are you and how old are you?"

She answered,"I am Parimala. I am 40 years old."

God looked very surprised and worried. Then ,he said,"You are not to die today Parimala. You have to live for another 43 years more before your death."

The lady felt very happy. Her soul came back to her physical body.The doctors had resuscitated her.

Once she was discharged from the hospital, she felt happy for her new lease of life.She thought she should enjoy her life to the maximum.

She began to wear modern clothING and use cosmetics extensively, which she had not done to that date.

She got a few plastic surgeries done to uplift her face, and look younger.

She felt her name was outdated and so, started calling herself 'Pammi'.

After about a couple of years, as she was walking on the road,she was hit badly by an ambulance van and died on the spot.

Her soul went to God again and asked,"God, you said I would live for another 43 years. But, you have taken me back in two years .Why have you done this to me?"

God was astonished,"Are you the same parimala whom I sent back to her body a couple of years back?"

She pleaded "Yes.But, why have you done this to me God?"

God said,"Sorry lady, it was all by mistake.I was not able to recognize you.

You look so different now, that I thought you are the 20 year old Pammi who studies in university college."

Parimala was left speechless.

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